Be Happy, It's Adar

On 23 February, 2009, in honor of Rosh Ḥodesh Adar 5769:

The Hebrew text around the edge says: MiShenichnas Adar Marbim BeSimcha
(When Adar Comes, Joy Is Increased) משניכנס אדר מרבין בשימחה

Why should joy increase when the month of Adar begins? Because this is the true end of winter which was heralded by Tu b'Shvat two weeks ago. From here on (at least in the Land of Israel), no more frosts, no more frozen ground is expected. Spring and its holidays are around the corner. Now, when the ground will no longer freeze, it is safe to fill potholes. In two weeks we'll celebrate the Jewish people's version of Mardi Gras: Purim. Indeed the land and our smiles come out of the cold and warm into smiles.
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Posted 23 February, 2009 (Rosh Ḥosdesh Adar, 5769)