Olive Oil

Some interesting links related to Olive Oil.

When in Israel just after Chanukkah 5757 we worked a day on an archaeological dig at Tel Morasha where we saw an oil press underground.

Olive oil has a rich and enduring history.... It lit the lamps of the temples and homes of our ancient civilizations. The Wikipedia article: Olive Oil (which did not exist when this page first went online [the original link has rotted]).

John Bergman, president of Bergman Euro-National, a real estate investment company writes about Olives. In Oil Country?

An Ode to Olives or The Olives Home Page, maintained by Naomi Smith includes links to lots of information about olives, recipes using olives, books about olives, places to buy olives and olive products and other olives on the web!

Frantoio Olive Oil press is (according to them) the only U.S. restaurant with in-house olive oil production (with photographs of the press).


© MemHeh Productions previous update: June 2, 1999. Most recent update: December 9, 2009.