May 12 - 13, 2006


After leaving Mainz we drove a few hours and camped in Alsfeld-West, in hilly farm country north of Frankfurt

in the region known as Hesse… (as in "Herman", though there seems to be no connection.) in order to be on our way to Hameln.

We found the lovely and picturesque old timber houses in Alsfeld. As we wandered the old town, known as Altstadt. we enjoyed the active and charming open air market.

We then told Gertrude (our gps) to get us to Hameln by the quickest route. We drove through quite beautiful fields of rapeseed,

then drove on to Hameln.

We arrived just in time for the 5:00 PM Shabbat service, after finding the street but having difficulty locating the number we needed. Mark checked in a store, where the man who looked like mishpocha on the Hurvitz side, directed him to the Internet café down that block, where they said "Oh the Judische Gemeinde. It's right behind here."

This was one of the few times we had an easy time finding an Internet café… They even had wireless. But we weren't in a position to use it. it.

We pulled in, located the president/founder Rachel Dohme, checked a few details for the service and started. Rachel welcomed us and some other guests, announced pages and also helped lead the tefillot in German and Hebrew.

Afterwards we all enjoyed a full Oneg Shabbat of cookies, cake, sandwiches, wine, mineral water, all seated together. The group's social worker played some well known Yiddish and Hebrew folk songs and Mark joined in on his new recorder.

We took this photo after a number of people had already left. The group meets in an office space rented from the city.

Piping in Hameln

As reported above, Mark played his recorder with the congregation. During our tour of the city, he had his photo taken beside a more famous piper.

No adverse results have been reported.

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