Portrait of the Day

Portrait of the Day

Week Three

March 25, Definitely not the creme de la creme, and not even the creme de cassis, but lovely nontheless (Cassis, just south of Marseilles):

March 26, Nisus Writer Express user Michael Kruger suggested we visit Hyeres (with good reason). After climbing the hill and exploring the garden in Edith Wharton's house, we went down to the marina to enjoy a walk on the promenade:

March 27, Michael had invited us to his home in Sospel (north of Menton, on the Italian border, at the beginning of the climb into the Alps Maritimes) for a cup of espresso:

March 28, We continued on our way, over the Alps, spending the night in Cuneo before going to Turin... not for the Olympics, but for a cup of "becerin" hot chocolate, a specialty of Turin (Torino):

March 29, Returning to the coast and spending the night along the edge of a cliff a bit south of Pisa, we continued on our way to La Spezia as the portal to the Cinque Terre:

March 30, No photo today

March 31, After walking into Florence from our campsite on the southern outskirts of the city, we ate our packed lunch on the steps of the Ufizzi, explored the city, and relaxed in a family oriented park near the Florence Synagogue (see the dome) before meeting with Congregation Shir Hadash for Shabbat:

April 1, We walked into Florence again, but this time took a road that led us into the hills to the southwest before entering via the Pisa road:

Portrait of the Day: Week One || Portrait of the Day: Week Two
Portrait of the Day: Week Four

A Starting Point

The Trip









© Mark Hurvitz
Last modified April 2, 2006