Portrait of the Day

Portrait of the Day

Week Nine

May 7, After starting the day with a search for an intersection in Freising, then a tour of Dachau, we crossed the Danube (behind us) for the last time (this trip) before reaching our campsite in Stuttgart:

May 8, In Strasbourg it rained all day long; here we are near the old town:

May 9, After exploring Strasbourg a bit more (the second city of Gutenberg), we drove to Speyer, the beginning of our quick exploration of the garlic cloves of Ashkenaz (the Jewish center of ShUM ("garlic" in Hebrew) - S[h]peyer, Worms and Mainz). Along the way we stopped for lunch in a forest at the first exit from the highway inside Germany:

May 10, We stayed the night of the 9th in Dannstadt, a bit northwest of Speyer, at the home of (Nisus Writer user) Ingo, and his wife Isabelle Dierck who are wonderful hosts. We talked till late into the night. The morning of the 10th, Ingo took us around the area to see more Jewish sites "not on the map". Near the beginning of our trip (March 20) we visited Troyes, one of the cities of Rashi. This day we rounded the circle a bit, visiting Worms and the Rashi Synagogue where we took this photo:

May 11, From Worms, to the third clove of the Ashkenazi Garlic... Mainz, also the city of Joannem Gensfleisch de Gutenberg, at whose feet we stood for this photo:

May 12, On our drive from the Rhein valley up to Hameln in lower Saxony, we spent the night at a campsite deep in farm country near Alsfelt where the cows greeted us in the morning:

May 13, Rachel Dohme (founder and leader of the Judisches Gemeinde of Hameln) took our photo at the once and future site of the Hameln synagogue:

Portrait of the Day: Week One || Portrait of the Day: Week Two || Portrait of the Day: Week Three || Portrait of the Day: Week Four || Portrait of the Day: Week Five || Portrait of the Day: Week Six || Portrait of the Day: Week Seven || Portrait of the Day: Week Eight
Portrait of the Day: Week Ten

A Starting Point

The Trip









© Mark Hurvitz
Last modified May 15, 2006