Sho'a u'Gevurah
Utter destruction and heroism
I collect here some personal attempts to respond.
- Commemoration event (1970 Los Angeles, California) In 1970, the war in Vietnam still raged. Many young Jews in the Los Angeles area organized a group called the Jewish Radical Community. They planned an event to commemorate the Sho'a and call attention to the fact that the United States had not signed the International Genocide Convention. I prepared the leaflet for the event. The design is, in a sense, in inversion of the flag of the State of Israel. I spent many hours getting to know the young boy in the picture, watching him.
- Greetings "from the 'youth'" offered at the annual "Warsaw Ghetto Uprising" commemoration event sponsored by the Jewish Federation-Council of Greater Los Angeles, April 18, 1971, at Temple Israel of Hollywood. (First published in Davka Volume 1, Number 4; Summer 1971.)
- Davka Portfolio "Thirty Years After the World Vanished" (1973) Many years ago I had the opportunity (responsibility/honor) of editing a journal for Jewish youth (students) called Davka. Students put posters on the walls of their apartments. Most often these posters had no Jewish content, and when they did, it was of a commercial or strictly political nature. We decided to produce a portfolio of reproductions of real art, suitable for framing, that would sell at a reasonable price ($10.00!). [Someone actually contacted me in April of 2001 to purchase a copy!]
- Maror (1988 - 1995 Haggadah)
- Maror (1997 Haggadah)
- Rachmanut (1997) Many people begin to get impatient with those whose only response to their Jewishness is via the Sho'a. I'd like us to show a bit of "rachmones" for them.
- Sho'a Nightmares (1998) I think every teenage Jewish child ought to have a week of Sho'a related nightmares. If we can reenact the Exodus and living in Sukkot, why not the Sho'a?

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Mark Hurvitz

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Some additional links to Sho'a related sites:

The Sephardi experience during the Sho'a never received as much attention as that of the Ashkenazi. I'm looking for better links to add here.
Mark Hurvitz
Last modified 30 April, 2001