Responses to the

D e c e m b e r D i l e m m a

Received on December 23, 1997:


I was enjoying looking over your Chanukkah web site until I came upon the "December Dilema" section. What a shame. Such an enjoyable, informative page and then this ignorant, ranting slur against interfaith families. Being intermarried and a member of an active and growing interfaith group with and interfaith Sunday school that has grown to three classes, I have had ample opportunity to interact with healthy and happy interfaith children. I have read some of the studies that supposedly show raising a child in more than one faith is confusing and leads to identity crises and have found them unconvincing. Most are extremely limited in scope and out of date and the results generally questionable. I think perhaps you are fooling yourself. It has been my experience that people who resort to insulting slurs such as yours frequently do so because they are insecure in their own position. It's too bad you can't be positive about Judaism without insulting others.


Lance Flitter


Subject: Response to December Dilemma Date: Tue, 23 Dec 97 22:46:38 -0800
Dear Lance,
Thank you for taking the time to respond to what I posted on my Chanukkah Web Site.
I am sorry that you found my remarks an "ignorant, ranting slur against interfaith families" and "insulting."
As indicated at the top of that page, I shared these remarks with a group of interfaith families. None of those in attendance understood my comments as you have. Therefore, your response puzzles me. Please be more precise and explain to me what I wrote that was so disturbing to you. I hope to learn from your comments.
As the world turns toward light...
`//rite on,
,\\ark Hurvitz


Last updated December 24, 1997