Mark Samuel Hurvitz
I was born in Springfield, MA but grew up in Los Angeles, CA. I have had an extremely varied involvement in Jewish life. I attended a Workman’s Circle Sunday School for a couple of years but became a Bar Mitzvah and was confirmed at a Conservative synagogue. As a teenager, I was involved in AZA, Habonim, and Young Judaea, the last of which I had the opportunity to travel to and study in Israel for a year following high school graduation in 1964.
After returning from Israel, I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in music, with a focus on the recorder, from California State College Los Angeles in 1972. My composition “February, 1969” [February 1969 (performance version of May 22–23, 1969): Ten refrigerators that cycle at least twice an hour are plugged in and arranged around a pedestrian pathway in two facing semicircles of five each with the uncovered motors facing the center. Within the semicircles, the refrigerators must be nearly touching each other.] was performed at the Cal State LA Environmental Events Fine Arts Festival.
My composition “ShRQ” for unaccompanied alto recorder was published in “Tree” magazine, a journal devoted to Jewish mysticism, edited by David Meltzer (some of whose poems I had published in Davka).
During the early 1970’s I played recorder with “The Fairfax Five” a group of young Jewish activists who performed at various street fairs in the Jewish community.

In addition to these, my brother and I had a weekly radio program on listener-supported Pacifica radio station KPFK called “Catching Up”. During one of these evenings, we performed (with the listening audience) my composition December 1968.
During that period I became a leader in Hashomer Hatzair, and after the June 1967 war in Israel, I became involved in the Jewish student movement of the period. My greatest involvement was my participation in the Jewish Radical Community which held weekly Shabbat celebrations and attempted to raise the consciousness of the Jews of Los Angeles regarding such issues as the Vietnam War and the farm workers’ strike as well as Jewish education and the crucial role of the Palestinian people in a peace settlement for Israel. I was hired as part of the experimental ombudsman staff of the Youth Department of the Jewish Federation-Council of Greater Los Angeles to help develop better relations between Jewish youth and the “establishment.” On the editorial board at its inception (1970), I became the second editor of DAVKA, a magazine published by and for Jewish youth in the Los Angeles area. I served in that capacity until completing my BA in 1973.
I entered Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in 1973 and was in Israel on the first year of the rabbinic program during the Yom Kippur War. After studying for two years in Los Angeles, I was ordained from the Cincinnati campus in June of 1978. My rabbinic thesis dealt with a study of early Hebrew printing as depicted in the responsa, codes and the earliest haskamot (rabbinic approbations).
After ordination, I worked for two years with the Leadership Development Division of the UJA-Federation Campaign of New York where I served both as a Staff Associate in charge of educational and community action programming and as Director. From 1980 through 1982, I was a rabbi at Temple B’nai Abraham of Livingston, New Jersey. I was the Assistant Director of SHAMOR of the National Jewish Resource Center (later renamed CLAL), responsible for developing and presenting courses on Jewish values for UJA-Federation leadership and Executive Director of CHEVRA, a national group of Conservative, Orthodox, Reconstructionist and Reform rabbis and academics studying together to work toward a common agendum. I was also the rabbinic facilitator of Chavurah Beth Chai of Mahopac, New York.
I was the rabbi of the New York Society for the Deaf and the Hebrew Association for the Deaf. In that capacity I lead services in American Sign Language and organized a youth, as well as a young adults group, to reach out to the many young deaf Jews who have no contact with the Deaf Jewish Community. I was also the editor of “Zeroa Netuyah” a national newsletter (now defunct) for professionals dealing with issues of being Jewish and deaf.
Before moving to the San Diego area, I was the rabbi of B’nai Keshet, the Montclair Jewish Center, a Reconstructionist congregation in suburban New Jersey.
I am interested in a wide variety of subjects. I have a Master’s degree in Library Science from Rutgers University in New Jersey. Particularly interested in the uniqueness of contemporary American Jewish life, I also pursued advanced studies in Contemporary American Jewish popular culture. I have published a number of articles dealing with various aspects of our community and collect artifacts and ephemera that depict the values and the acceptance of Jewish life in America. My collection of Judaic lapel buttons has been displayed in synagogues, Jewish Community Centers, and Libraries around the country, and selections of it have been on display at the HUC Skirball Museum in Los Angeles and in an exhibit on Jewish Humor at the Spertus Museum in Chicago. I am now preparing (cataloging) the collection for delivery to the Yeshiva University Museum where has been accepted as part of their collection.
For all the years we lived in San Diego, I was the part-time rabbi of Congregation Etz Chaim of Ramona and remain associated with this wonderful group of people.
I am Vice President for Communications (retired) of Nisus Software Inc. a software publishing company that makes Nisus Writer Pro and Nisus Writer Express (pronounced “Nice us” a good English word that means an endeavor, or effort), easy to use and powerful award-winning word processing programs (Joe Kissell’s latest review) and a variety of other useful tools.
I have taught the Introduction to Judaism class of the UAHC (now URJ) at least once a year for nearly twenty years in New York, New Jersey, and San Diego. I enjoyed teaching the class not only because of the joy I receive in experiencing someone’s first adult response to Judaism but also because of the variety of approaches I perceive, enrich my own awareness of the beauties and excitement of Jewish life.
I live in New York City. I am married to Rabbi Deborah R. Prinz, Rabbi Emerita of Temple Adat Shalom in Poway, California, now retired from being the Director of Program and Member Services of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Debbie is the author of On the Chocolate Trail and a children’s book: The Boston Chocolate Party. My mother Faye Hurvitz died in July of 2005; I have a sister who retired from 30 years as a social worker for the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services in New York, and a brother in Israel who lives with his family on kibbutz Hatzor and who is lucky enough to be able to merge work with play through earning a living specializing in the uses of the internet in the educational process.
Our family has grown. I am the joyous father of Avigail & Sarah & Beth and Noam & Rachel. I am thrilled to be the grandfather of Amiel, Pele, Ziv, Lior & Yonah (Green Bean).
Hurvitz || Prinz || Avrunin
Ego Surfing
(Wherein I look for people with my name on the WWW.)
Rabbis With Web Sites
(When this page was first prepared, it was an interesting idea. Now…?)
What would it be like if I took a(n almost) daily picture?
© Mark Hurvitz
Last modified Wednesday, September 24, 2020
Last modified Thursday, October 5, 2023
Last modified Saturday, May 4, 2024
Hello Mark, I remember working with you at UJA-Federation in MY years ago. I was happy to read about you & your works. It’s been a lot of years.
May you continue to do the good works you began in your youth. Perhaps our paths will cross again. ♀️
My great grandmother’s maiden name was Avrunin, from Snovsk. Married a Miramoff. Her daughter IDA settled in Cleveland and eventually moved to L.A. with my grandfather, during WWII. Ida lost 8 of 9 siblings to Nazi execution.
You list Avrunin on your “who is…” document. I have notes from my grandmother explaining the line of descent. Our two families, being related, knew each other in Cleveland, and reportedly did not get along. But you can relax, I’m not mad at you. (I moved to L.A. in 1961, and stayed.)