Nathan Hurvitz

Born Tuesday, June 22, 1915 10 Tamuz 5675 Cleveland, Ohio
Married May 16, 1943 11 Iyar 5703 Cleveland, Ohio
Died June 7, 1986 29 Iyyar 5746 Los Angeles, California


How do you write about your father? Perhaps I can learn by how my father appreciated his father.

I've been accumulating materials to share here for a number of years. These include photographs, Dad's CV, some of his writings, sayings, and musings. At the moment what I have at hand is a photograph. Not of Dad, but, something he made. Sometime in the late '60s or early '70s Dad took a couple of his father's paintbrushes and had them cast in resin. These were kept on the mantle above the fireplace at 3909. I have one in our living room and I took the other to Jay in the summer of 1999. I made a point of photographing them before making the delivery.

Dad often said that these were the brushes that put him through college.


his father

Hillel Gurevitch

Harry Hurvitz


his mother

Fayge (Fannie) Brinn


his brother

Martin Hurvitz


his wife

Faye Avrunin


his daughter

Libbe (Hurvitz) Madsen


his son

Mark Hurvitz


his son

Jay Hurvitz