I found this image on a crazy anti-Zionist site:

Which ‘Jews’ do you believe are the descendants of the biblical ‘Israelites’?
to which I answer:
All are Jews! I am not a racist.
The site may also be anti-Semitic, it sure feels that way, but I’ve not had a chance to study it thoroughly.
What is Zionism?
Zionism is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people.
- You may have always thought Jews were a religion. They are that, and more.
- Throughout the long history of the world, many national states have arisen and fallen. Among these are the great empires of the ancient world: Sumeria, Assyria, Babylonia, Egypt, Greece, Persia and Rome. Many other smaller states also existed.
- Among them those of the Jebusites, Moabites, the Ammonites and the Judahites.
- In the ancient world, when one nation defeated another, the defeated people and its identity disappeared from the historical record. There are rare instances when this did not occur and the group continued to play a role in contemporary affairs.
- You will not meet a Jebusite, Moabite, nor an Ammonite in the mall, even though people now live in the area long-ago known as Jebus, Moab and Ammon.
- You will, however, meet descendants of the ancient Babylonians, known today as Chaldeans, though the ancient Persians destroyed their empire and they have never again held political power in their land. Many Chaldeans live in Detroit, Michigan and San Diego, California as well as in their native land now known as Iraq.
- You will also meet the descendants of the ancient Israelites and their cousins the Judahites, known as Jews (for short).
- Not terribly unlike the American people who carry an ideal of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” the Jewish people have also carried a set of ideas throughout their long history, we call this set of ideas “Judaism”. This is why Jews are thought of as being a religion.
- Nearly 2000 years ago, while suffering under the oppressive Roman Empire’s occupation of their land, the Jews rose up and fought for their liberation. Following two major uprisings – that spanned generations – Rome destroyed nearly all vestiges of their presence in their land. The western retaining wall of their Temple still stands as a reminder of their sovereignty. Ruins of meeting houses, known as synagogues are found throughout the land.
- During the following two millennia, while many Jews continued to live in the Land of Israel, many other Jews lived among other peoples, suffering with their sorrows and sharing in their successes; often attacked for being the outsider. In the late 1800s Jews all over the world began returning to the land of their origin.
- They organized to make this possible. Jews raised money and purchased land. They trained themselves to farm and work in industry. They established the infrastructure of a new society.
- This effort is called Zionism. The fruit of this effort is Israel.
- Jews of every color and race, from every corner of the world are welcomed to return to rebuild their society in the modern State of Israel. Zionism is not racism.
leafleting in cyberspace
As I reported here on June 8, I have been active explaining my understanding of the “#Flotilla” incident on Twitter. Since then:
- #Flotilla continues 2 drop on Twitter trends http://bit.ly/aHWLaI > http://bit.ly/cxwmfx rate of tweets decreasing. #Israel #Gaza
- While busy tweeting #Flotilla I lost some regular followers, but gained many others, odd. Returning > regular behavior #Israel #Gaza
more #flotilla tweets
I continue to experience and document some anti-Semitism online:
• Jun 20, 2010 2:42:19 PM
whumba Jewish Money changers banking Scam United States Federal Reserve http://bit.ly/c4KCsK #Israel #tcot #Politics #ocra #ucot #Flotilla
• Jun 20, 2010 2:47:24 PM
floatyaboat RT @Amna_Saeed: even the smallest children of Gaza have more courage than the IDF nazis. #gaza #israel #flotilla http://twitpic.com/1yih5b
• Jun 20, 2010 2:57:31 PM
michaelt53 RT @whumba: Jewish Money changers banking Scam United States Federal Reserve http://bit.ly/c4KCsK #Israel #tcot #Politics ocra ucot Flotilla
michaelt53 RT @whumba: George Soros is a criminal — Insider trading conviction of Soros is pending http://is.gd/3zpZq #Israel #tcot Politics #Flotilla
whumba Goldman Sachs: Your tax dollars belongs to them http://bit.ly/cVRwWR #Israel #tcot #Politics #ocra #ucot #Flotilla #teaparty
• Jun 20, 2010 3:04:44 PM
obinine RT @dustmapper: International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network — http://ijsn.net #israel #palestine #flotilla #judaism #zionism #war #occupation
new tweets as the situation changes
I have begun to feel as if my Twitter efforts follow in footsteps of Isaac of Troki, a modest form of Hizzuk Emunah חזוק אמונה, for an updated situation.
In alphabetical order, though I generally randomize them before posting:
• 1 year after #Iran stolen election, tell UN Human Rights Council: end its silence! Join AJC’s campaign — http://bit.ly/9J5axL #Flotilla
• 1948 #Palestine Arab population encouraged to leave #Israel by Arab leaders http://bit.ly/a2PUh2 #Flotilla #Gaza #Palestine
• 1948 Promising to purge land of Jews. 68% left without ever seeing an #Israel soldier http://bit.ly/a2PUh2 #Flotilla #Gaza #Palestine
• 1949 #Israel offer 100,000 refugees return, if repatriation linked > negotiations. REJECTED #Gaza #Palestine #Flotilla http://bit.ly/agnIUM
• “MK Zoabi: Israel wanted highest # of fatalities,” http://bit.ly/b7MIYb Why didn’t Israel bring snipers & pick them off frm copter #Flotilla
• “MK Zoabi: Israel wanted highest number of fatalities,” http://bit.ly/b7MIYb If so, why were there only 9?! #Flotilla #Gaza
• “students will die, / will not accept humiliation”, chanted at Tehran U. http://bit.ly/boADYf Where is International Left? #Flotilla #Gaza
• “The Left only concerned w/ using concept of #Palestine freedom as weapon against #Israel freedom”? http://bit.ly/cOpasE #Gaza #Flotilla
• @MEPapers: NY Times Help to Find #Flotilla Planners’ #Terrorist Ties: Here’s A Start > Research #IHH #Islam http://bit.ly/bcI8jl
• @notleftwing Madrid gay pride march bans #Israelis > #Gaza #flotilla http://bit.ly/afImVF Odd, gays n other ME countries killed #GLBT
• @skshazaa 4 most of us arnd wrld, d issue not existence / Israel; concern is actions / some Jews in name / Israel \ Twitter evidence differs
• # Arab refugees left #Israel 1948 ±630,000. # Jews < Arab lands about same http://bit.ly/aaTh1w #Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Flotilla
• #Egypt girls slaves in #Gaza http://bit.ly/9tf11o #Iran rapes virgins keep them < paradise http://bit.ly/bffmcf #Israel blamed worlds ills!?
• #Ergodan passionately interested > #Gaza human rights or passionately interested in changing subject? http://elid.in/g/agentina #Flotilla
• #Flotilla Ken O’Keefe: Used Violence in Accordance w/ Principles of Mahatma Gandhi http://bit.ly/deWrAo \ Yeah, right: http://bit.ly/akcMbA
• #Flotilla Ken O’Keefe: violence according 2 Gandhi principles http://bit.ly/deWrAo \ Gandhi on Jews & Hitler: http://bit.ly/akcMbA #Israel
• #Flotilla probe; thousands support it. #Israel #Gaza http://bit.ly/bpzFz4
• #Gaza #Flotilla Maritime Martyrs http://bit.ly/au2FXp
• #Hamas has brought nothing to the Palestinians in the #Gaza Strip other than death and disaster. http://bit.ly/9EkFl0 #Flotilla
• #Iran pro-govt media obliged 2 rprt millions n streets > protest against #Israel #Gaza #Flotilla. But nt show photos http://bit.ly/d7eKPV
• #Palestine Prime Minister Fayyad’s popularity improves: http://bit.ly/c4VSdp \ by not supporting #Gaza #Flotilla ?
• #Palestine Refugees are the ONLY refugees that have their own UN organization http://bit.ly/c8jY3B #Gaza #Israel #Flotilla Why unique?
• #Turkey blocks YouTube http://bit.ly/gzfltll5 YouTube blocks pro- #Israel satire #Gaza #Flotilla http://bit.ly/c6CfeY “don’t be evil” Google
• #Turkey Erdogan bears responsibility in #flotilla fiasco (Washington Post) http://bit.ly/gzfltll10 #Gaza #Israel #Palestine
• #Turkey forms #flotilla c’tee: “No trust that #Israel can conduct an objective probe.” Add your voice! http://bit.ly/bpzFz4
• access #Gaza / sea rte 2 avoid suffering > overland route thrgh #Egypt Rafah cross http://bit.ly/aanEbH \ #Flotilla break #Israel blockade?
• Ahmadinejad: Jews Seem Human; Advnc Steps 2 Implmnt Pln 2 Chnge Wrld; Deliver America < Its Dictator Gvt. http://bit.ly/dbvCd0 #Iran #Israel
• Amazing world, you’ve got to love it: Egyptians protesting police brutality beaten up… by police. http://bit.ly/98J2cF #Egypt
• Ann Wright #Flotilla ‘Murder’ Admits She Did Not See the Events \ what of other “witnesses”? http://bit.ly/cjESxI
• Anti- #Israel reports tell of someone shot at point-blank range. Well, yes, it was hand-to-hand combat. What did they expect? #Flotilla #Gaza
• Arab refugees INTENTIONALLY not absorbed/integrated > Arab lands, despite vast Arab territory http://bit.ly/palsau
• As a life-long leftist http://bit.ly/dvkmh it’s hard to accept #Gaza, #Iran and the Left’s Double Standard http://bit.ly/boADYf #Flotilla
• as non-Jew, journo & lefty, 3pl moral duty w/ Israel, ’cause if #Israel destroyed, liberty, modernity & culture w/ it. http://bit.ly/cOpasE
• Biggest UNRWA donors not Arab countries (which caused problem) but EU & USA. http://bit.ly/dd3CYn #Flotilla #Palestine #Gaza #Israel
• Birth rate/population growth in #Palestine territories 1 of highest in world (No. 26⁄223) http://bit.ly/aGDWvn #Flotilla #Gaza #Israel
• blame Arab League > refusal 2 recognize 1947 UN partition, start war 2 prevent implement & results > war: #Nakba http://bit.ly/a6ezFw
• Break fake state #Lebanon http://bit.ly/bnPQZ1 blockade/ #Israel !? http://bit.ly/bggfDN travel >Israel-cntrlld prt illegal. #Flotilla #Gaza
• Call for a #Flotilla probe: add your voice! #Israel #Gaza http://bit.ly/bezmY5
• Can a “ Freedom #Flotilla ” going from the Turkish occupied part of #Cyprus towards #Gaza be considered “irony”? http://bit.ly/bBQGeW
• Can Palestinians gain Saudi citizenship? No. http://bit.ly/palsau Who’s racist?
• Children of #Hamas http://youtu.be/eTGbP55HGi8 #Flotilla
• Criticism misses fact: relative silence in face systematic extermination of millions Muslim/Arab regimes http://bit.ly/bvnS03 #Flotilla
• Dwindling public support for #Iran regime. http://bit.ly/d7eKPV
• elizweiland Why Israel ignores global criticism of Gaza flotilla raid — CSMonitor.com: http://bit.ly/bGS8fD «interesting analysis
• End religious theocracy & #Apartheid state! #Gaza #Flotilla #Israel http://bit.ly/9BJRgK maybe not what you’re thinking
• End religious theocracy & #Apartheid state! #Gaza #Flotilla #Israel http://bit.ly/9BJRgK strange world out there
• End religious theocracy & #Apartheid state! You are not welcome here! #Gaza #Flotilla #Israel http://bit.ly/9BJRgK
• End the #Apartheid state! #Gaza #Flotilla #Israel… see abhorrent sign: http://bit.ly/dmoyJo maybe not what you’re thinking
• End the #Apartheid state! #Gaza #Flotilla #Israel… see abhorrent signs of the times: http://bit.ly/dmoyJo be careful where you drive
• Erdogan defends Sudan Pres. Omar al-Bashir, indicted by ICC > kill 500,000 Sudan Xians & non-Arab Muslims http://bit.ly/cg7O9M #Flotilla
• Erdogan: “The heart of humanity has taken one of her heaviest wounds in history” / #Armenia? #Gaza #Flotilla http://bit.ly/rdgnspch
• Erdogan: “The heart of humanity has taken one of her heaviest wounds in history” / #Darfur? #Gaza #Flotilla http://bit.ly/rdgnspch
• Erdogan: “The heart of humanity has taken one of her heaviest wounds in history” / #Grozny? #Gaza #Flotilla http://bit.ly/rdgnspch
• Erdogan: “The heart of humanity has taken one of her heaviest wounds in history” / overstatement? #Gaza #Flotilla http://bit.ly/rdgnspch
• Erdogan: #Turkey mil #Cyprus garrison since 1974 “not occupier… [ensure] peace.” #Gaza #Israel #Flotilla http://bit.ly/cg7O9M who’s fooled
• Fantastic #Flotilla tilts at medieval windmills #Gaza #Israel http://bit.ly/agnwnd
• First condemn then investigate! http://bit.ly/aFZqkR
• Girls from #Egypt sold into #slavery in (poor starving?!) #Gaza. http://bit.ly/9tf11o
• Good read: http://bit.ly/8YaDzB #Israel defended well by Australian journalist. Most comments agree. #Gaza #Flotilla
• Google: Israel & genocide = 13,600,000 hits. Sudan & genocide <9,000,000. Skewed numbers: great deception http://bit.ly/bvnS03
• Gun-smuggling Bishop Capucci on #Gaza #Flotilla. How humanitarian was it’s intent? http://bit.ly/aie9Pc http://bit.ly/9LgB9z
• HAMAS SERMON OF THE DAY http://bit.ly/9ar83N What would you do if this was your neighbor? #Israel #Gaza #Flotilla #Hamas
• Hard to blame stuff like this on Israel. http://bit.ly/9iMYV8
• How Can Turkey be Dragged to Brink of War by a NGO? Turkish Columnists Criticize Government on #Gaza #Flotilla Clash http://bit.ly/bDv1nj
• How many Arabs/Muslims have been killed in Russia or France? Who cares? http://bit.ly/bvnS03
• Humanitarian #Erdogan #Turkey leader vows 2 ‘annihilate’ #Kurd rebels http://bit.ly/bT9MhV \ 0 UN comment on nxt #genocide #Flotilla
• humanitarians in alliance with cruel/bankrupt #Iran theocracy, religio-nationalist #Turkey demagogue, & #Hamas ? http://is.gd/cQ5KF
• If Gazans thought they might need to eat, why did they destroy greenhouses when #Israel left #Gaza #Flotilla http://bit.ly/9iMYV8
• IHH: International Hyperventilated Hypocrisy #Flotilla #Gaza #Israel http://huff.to/dpNpSM
• Imagine if Red Cross had military wing training terrorists to attack/kill civilians & launch missiles > population centers. #Flotilla #Gaza
• In the name of anti-imperialism left-wing activists denigrate universalism as neocolonialism http://bit.ly/bcEPGd WHY?
• Iraqi Author ‘Aref ‘Alwan: The Jews Have an Historic Right to Palestine http://bit.ly/a6ezFw #Flotilla #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Zionism
• Is it humanitarian to make contributions to a ruling party that has a totalitarian & racist ideology #Flotilla #Gaza http://is.gd/cQ5KF
• Jewish refugees flee < Arab lands due to Arab brutality, persecution & pogroms. http://bit.ly/bCuqVY #Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Flotilla
• Jews have historic right 2 #Palestine ’cause presence there preceded Arab conquest & has continued 2 today. http://bit.ly/a6ezFw #Flotilla
• José María Aznar Support #Israel: if it goes down, we all go down http://bit.ly/cFu8HI #Gaza #Flotilla
• Judt: #Israel negotiate w/ #Hamas; question: why nt now \ But charter exclude possible: negotiate/recognize http://bit.ly/d2ta73 #Flotilla
• Just as dozens of states define themselves as Christian or Muslim, so Israel has a right to define itself as Jewish http://bit.ly/bALpzA
• Just as Finland has a right to exist as a state for the Fins… http://bit.ly/finlandreturn #Flotilla #Israel #Gaza #Flotilla
• Just as France has a right to exist as a state for French people, China for Chinese people, Egypt for Egyptian people and so on. #Flotilla
• Just as Liberia has a right to exist as a state for American Black expatriates http://bit.ly/racistliberia #Flotilla #Israel #Gaza #Flotilla
• Ken O’Keefe: violence on #Flotilla according 2 Gandhi principles http://bit.ly/deWrAo \ passive resistance? http://bit.ly/akcMbA #Israel
• Khaled Abu Toameh 1 thing to help Palestinians in the #Gaza Strip, but it is another thing to help #Hamas. http://bit.ly/9EkFl0 #Flotilla
• Kyrgyz rampage > #Kyrgyzstan, slaughter Uzbeks, burn houses 100+ killed. Intrntnl outrage?! #Flotilla #Gaza #Israel http://bit.ly/aXJ8iZ
• Letter to All Good People. #Israel #Gaza #Flotilla sadly still far too current http://bit.ly/bgAXhl
• Life expctncy #Gaza: 73.46 yrs http://bit.ly/cSgvMw #Palestine trrtrs 73.5 http://bit.ly/bqO1up #Turkey 72 http://bit.ly/bqXnc9 / hum criss?
• Madrid gays plan ‘Gay Pride Parade’ thru #Gaza in support of Palestinian brethren (imagine improbable!) #Flotilla #GLBT http://bit.ly/afImVF
• Madrid Pride, drug/sex/dance-fest, be taken > other venue: #Gaza, maybe, Ramallah? Tehran? Riyadh? #GLBT #Flotilla http://bit.ly/9PscVx
• March 2010, Erdogan denied #Turkey killed #Armenia civilians. Why believe him? http://bit.ly/cg7O9M #Flotilla #Israel #Genocide #Gaza
• Masked gunmen raided UN children’s camp, tearing down tents & burning storage buildings. our friends #Hamas ? #Flotilla http://bit.ly/9DyFvR
• Maybe I missed it where were global protests & outraged people over #Hamas rejecting the #Flotilla aid? #Israel #Gaza http://bit.ly/a0S6kt
• Next ship 2 break Israel’s blockade… come on 1 condition: bring food & supplies also > Gilad Shalit #Gaza #Flotilla http://bit.ly/cBmMaf
• no 1 in Europe cares about 40,000 dead Arabs if Arabs do killing… if you can’t blame Jews, it ain’t news http://bit.ly/bALpzA #Flotilla
• No one cares about the 12 million Germans forced out of Eastern Europe in 1945. #Palestine #Israel #Gaza #Flotilla http://bit.ly/bALpzA
• On ground, up close & personal, Dispatches from #Gaza http://bit.ly/bXqMYV shared with Ta’Anit Tzedek-Jewish Fast for #Gaza #Flotilla
• Palestinians killed /Israel n territories since 1967 = ±5078. By Bosnian Serbs n Srebrenica July 1995 ±8000 http://bit.ly/bvnS03 #Flotilla
• Palestinians killed /Israel n territories since 1967 = ±5078. By King Hussein 1971 10,000 to 25,000 http://bit.ly/bvnS03 Outrage? #Flotilla
• Palestinians killed /Israel n territories since 1967 = ±5078. Syria n Hama 1982 = 7,000 to 40,000 http://bit.ly/bxWYx7 Outrage? #Flotilla
• Peace mission? IHH & terror: read Danish Institute For International Studies report: (dwnld pdf) http://ht.ly/1UrM0 #Gaza #Flotilla
• Rami Hassan, Hezbollah museum guide, gazed in direction > Israel. “I don’t see Israel, I only see Occupied Palestine.” http://bit.ly/c07xp8
• Rels btwn Xians & Muslims hard, ’cause Muslims don’t diff btwn rel & pol, relegates Xians = non-citizens http://bit.ly/9GnjEQ #Palestine
• RT @adamkratt: FACT: 5 boats boarded, protesters complied/ safely let 2 shore \ why 1 not? http://tinyurl.com/2dxhrhc #Flotilla #Gaza
• RT @avinunu: \Arab despots cower n palaces, peaceful/courageous citizens confront murderous apartheid entity #Flotilla http://bit.ly/9BJRgK
• RT @D_Sequin: #flotilla organized to re-brand #Hamas & other terrorists = *Freedom Fighters* & suicide Jihadists = *human rights activists*
• RT @Fag4peace: Muslims are killing Muslims by d thousands in #mosques & #market http://bit.ly/aJtv3H #LGBT #Flotilla #Gay #Lesbian #Israel
• RT @freegilad: Gilad remains under Hamas blockade in #Gaza receiving no humanitarian aid. #FreeGiladShalit #Israel (via @Offred1) #Flotilla
• RT @gabrielsherman: What’s behind Turkey’s flotilla tantrum? Neo-Ottomania! Hansen & Erdogan’s muscular foreign policy: http://bit.ly/9KtQog
• RT @heldervieiracom: For the record — Abbas to Obama: I’m against lifting of #Gaza blockade http://bit.ly/cAx5XU #freedomflotilla #flotilla
• RT @MaxBlumenthal: NBC breaks media blckd. #Gaza living “120 sq mile prison” \ & miles / lovely beaches, luxe dining http://www.rootsclub.ps
• RT @memeorandumFH: Kuwaiti Journalist: Flotilla Was Violent; Israel Has Right 2 Defend Itself (MEMRI) http://mrand.us/=dlZ \ unusual source
• RT @noatishby: Some Gaza Flotilla facts before the anti-Israel story becomes the only reality — http://is.gd/cOthe my new blog,
• RT @notleftwing Madrid gay pride march bans #Israelis > #Gaza #flotilla raids http://chilp.it/526e87 Odd, gays in other ME countries killed
• RT @ohiomail If Hamas Cared About #Palestine or #Gaza They’d Smuggle IN Food & Meds Instead Of Rockets & Arms PPL Wake Up #Flotilla #Israel
• RT @ranimustafa: Erdogan-“Problem w/ #Israel gov’t, not people”. If so y #Turkey pull out J’lem Shoah conf.? http://bit.ly/ak6jGW #Flotilla
• RT @Ruthanasia: RT @doug442 #Russia praises Israel decide 2 probe #Flotilla asslt \ probe #Grozny http://bit.ly/grzdvk http://bit.ly/cklawI
• RT @truthdigger: Mahmoud Abbas & Egypt want #Israel #Gaza blockade 2 stay http://goo.gl/j6dl #flotilla \ Know what’s good > selves & others
• RT @undhimmi #Turkey Invades Sovereign Nation, Kills 4 Kurds. Crickets Chirp. http://is.gd/cSLXc #Flotilla #Israel #Gaza
• RT @VeraFortune: #Gaza #truth #ConcentrationCamp http://ow.ly/1Zzhu #israel #flotilla #zionism #hamas
• RT @whumba: Which ‘Jews’ do you believe are descendants of biblical #Israel \ All Jews! R you a racist? http://bit.ly/a7qqk0 #Gaza #Zionism
• Saying #Gaza #blockade has been imposed by #Israel alone can only be described as disinformation. http://bit.ly/aMSQKI #Egypt
• Shld #Israel “Just Pack It In?” back > Poland/Germany/Iraq/Iran/Morocco? http://bit.ly/gzfltll18 or Canaan? #Flotilla oh wait *are there!*
• Shld #Israel “Just Pack It In?” back > Poland/Germany/Iraq/Morocco? http://bit.ly/gzfltll18 or Canaan? #Flotilla Oops: http://bit.ly/lndtmln
• Shld #Israel “Just Pack It In?” back > Poland/Germany/Iraq/Morocco? http://bit.ly/gzfltll18 or Canaan? #Flotilla Oops: http://bit.ly/whtznsm
• Should #Israel be told “Just Pack It In?” go back to Syria/Algeria/Iraq/Egypt/Yemen/Iran/Morocco? http://bit.ly/aaTh1w #Gaza #Flotilla
• Since seizing control of #Gaza in 2007, #Hamas imposed reign of terror on local population. http://bit.ly/9EkFl0 #Flotilla
• Since WWII Israel/Palestine conflict: national conflict w/ lowest # of victims, but highest # of publications. http://bit.ly/bvnS03 WHY?
• Story that never ends? RT @abuyazan Viennese Jews facing harassment over #flotilla http://bit.ly/9iGMTl [via @WRH_Mike_Rivero]
• Terror Financing Aspects of the Free #Gaza #Flotilla http://is.gd/cIPgv?=b2jl \ but of course nobody cares about that
• That Israel worthy of criticism ’cause of democratic pretenses = Orientalism at worst. Assumption: Arabs & Muslims = retarded child of world
• That Israel worthy of criticism ’cause of democratic pretenses = Orientalism at worst. not just Orientalism = racism http://bit.ly/bvnS03
• The Arab world is subject to genocide, it is true. http://bit.ly/bvnS03 #Flotilla #Gaza #Israel
• The Left concerned w/ freedom > people / #Syria #Yemen #Iran #Sudan or other such nations? http://bit.ly/cOpasE #Flotilla #Gaza #Israel
• The PA has a hard time recognizing modern #Israel http://bit.ly/aX4eFK Where is #Haifa ? #Flotilla #EU \ #Gaza is a Palestinian coastal city
• The Siege of #Gaza by Khaled Abu Toameh http://bit.ly/9EkFl0 #Flotilla
• U.N. special regional coordinator Robert Serry denounced series of raids & lootings mounted by #Hamas http://bit.ly/boEfUm #Gaza #Flotilla
• UNRWA biennium budget > 2010 & 2011 = US$1.23 billion, since 1999 $10 billion in direct aid > UNRWA. http://bit.ly/dd3CYn #Flotilla
• West Bank / #Gaza poll find 89% Palestinians spprt PA legislative election, 84% believe Fatah wll win. #Hamas #Flotilla http://bit.ly/dtYAYm
• West Bank cities appear calm despite #flotilla incident http://bit.ly/gzfltll17 why? don’t they care about their cousins in #Gaza?
• Where Western journalist, 2 risk wrath of #Iran security forces > file report < Tehran in open air? http://bit.ly/boADYf #Flotilla #Gaza
• Why do peaceful humanitarians chant about Khaybar (or Khaibar )? http://bit.ly/bj2jNL #Gaza #Flotilla
• Why don’t Arab countries meet their UNRWA pledges? #Gaza #Flotilla #Hamas http://bit.ly/bVVnjJ
• Why still #Refugee Camps in #Palestine Territories? Do these residents expect to “return” to #Israel? / #Gaza #Flotilla http://bit.ly/bL9qvt
• Wondering if it was truly a massacre, why were there any survivors? Something doesn’t make sense. #Gaza #Flotilla #Israel
• Year from disputed #Iran elections, regime imprisoned more bloggers & journalists than almost any other in the world http://bit.ly/d7eKPV
• YouTube blocks pro- #Israel satire; not 3 others > same song http://bit.ly/d1o9cM http://bit.ly/cxjauy http://bit.ly/wecon3 “don’t be evil”!
some positive thoughts
I want the readers to know that there are people working to make the situation better. Therefore I have a series of tweets that list communities and efforts to bring people together. (If you know of anything that should be on this list, please let me know.)
• I support efforts to live together http://bit.ly/bfJST1 #Israel #Palestine #Flotilla
the falafel revolution
• I support efforts to live together http://bit.ly/cocfxU #Israel #Palestine #Flotilla
Neve Shalom – Wāħat as-Salām
• I support efforts to live together http://www.givathaviva.org/Home #Israel #Palestine #Flotilla
Givat Haviva
• I support efforts to live together http://www.seedsofpeace.org/ #Israel #Palestine #Flotilla
Seeds of Peace
• I support efforts to live together http://bit.ly/d0iChH #Israel #Palestine #Flotilla
Seeking Common Ground
• I support efforts to live together http://mepdn.org/ #Israel #Palestine #Flotilla
Middle East Peace Dialog Network
• I support efforts to live together http://www.arava.org/ #Israel #Palestine #Flotilla
The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies
• I support efforts to live together http://bit.ly/brUTF0 #Israel #Palestine #Flotilla
Middle East Coexistence House
• I support efforts to live together http://www.mideastweb.org/peacechild/ #Israel #Palestine #Flotilla
Peace Child Israel
• I support efforts to live together http://www.comet-me.org/ #Israel #Palestine #Flotilla
Community, Energy and Technology in the Middle East — Sustainable Development for the Communities of the South Hebron Hills
no, zionism is not racism

zionism, yes! racism, no!
Date: | 1977 |
Size: | 5.1 |
Pin Form: | straight |
Print Method: | celluloid |
your lapel buttons
Many people have lapel buttons. They may be attached to a favorite hat or jacket you no longer wear, or poked into a cork-board on your wall. If you have any laying around that you do not feel emotionally attached to, please let me know. I preserve these for the Jewish people. At some point they will all go to an appropriate museum. You can see all the buttons shared to date.