What would you do?

statue of maimonides in cordoba, spain
Maimondes’ “Hilchot Teshuva” (The Rules of Repentance) is available at Mechon Mamre: הלכות תשובה. It was translated from the Hebrew and posted at scribd by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman.
You can read an excerpt and introduction at My Jewish Learning:
If a man transgresses, wittingly or unwittingly, any precept of the Torah, whether a positive precept or a negative, and repents and turns away from his wrongdoing, he is obliged to confess his sins to God, blessed be He. How does a man confess his sins? He says: ‘O God! I have sinned, I have committed iniquity, I have transgressed before Thee by doing such-and‑such. Behold now I am sorry for what I have done and am ashamed and I shall never do it again.’ What constitutes true repentance? If the sinner has the opportunity of committing once again the sinful act and it is quite possible for him to repeat it and yet he refrains from so doing because he has repented‑-for example, a man cohabited unlawfully with a woman and, after a time found himself alone with her again and he still loves her and is still as healthy as ever and it takes place in the same province in he had previously sinned with her and yet he refrains from repeating the transgression–he is a true penitent.…

maimonides was born here (at the time it had neither a number, nor the electrical cables)
What did Maimonides do? Hoo hah!

maimonides left spain from these waters at cádiz
what would maimonides do…
…and, more important: what should we do?
Additional materials that help prepare for ראש השנה & יום כפור are available in the sidebar on the right. For example, how many different ways can you respond to the litany of the al ḥet?

what would maimonides do?
Date: | 2000s |
Size: | 5.71 |
Pin Form: | clasp |
Print Method: | celluloid |
your lapel buttons
Many people have lapel buttons. They may be attached to a favorite hat or jacket you no longer wear, or poked into a cork-board on your wall. If you have any laying around that you do not feel emotionally attached to, please let me know. I preserve these for the Jewish people. At some point they will all go to an appropriate museum. You can see all the buttons shared to date.