What is “how”?
In my original static site I imagined this as a section where I would store a variety of how-to-do things:
- How I build this site
- how I cook…
it has not worked out quite as I imagined.
I expect that I will take the small amount of material here and create new pages as blog entries that can be tagged for more simple discovery.
Some tools used at this site:

button used on nearly all pages of the site in 1999
I am indebted to many people who have helped me learn a new artistic language. Most of all Joe Kissell, the generous host of my earlier site on “computergeeks.com”. I have also learned a tremendous amount by the seat of my pants creating the site of Nisus Software Inc.
I started, under Joe’s tutelage learning a bit of raw html (in Nisus Writer) when I created the first edition of the Haggadah (now archived). Since then I’ve learned to use PageMill (versions 2 and 3) as well as GoLive (version 3) (tools which no longer exist.) Now I’ve come full circle. I use those fancy tools for exploring some design feature and then edit the code in Nisus Writer.
More recently I began exploring other tools:
- Freeway
- Dreamweaver
but I only use Coda and WordPress itself.
I am comfortable enough with code to be able to write a decent amount directly. In fact, I write the code for most of what appears in this new site, or copy and modify it from the old static davka.org materials.
how i cook
© Mark Hurvitz
Last modified Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Dear Mark
Probably you don’t remember me but we used to talk from time to time in the Nisus days, when you always kindly solved my (Nisus related!) problems.
Anyway, I just read a delightful comment by you about the beet on the pesach plate and wanted first to wish you Pesach Sameach, and second to just say hello and that I hope you are well.
Jonathan Silk