
When in high school and col­lege I was a music major. I have had a long and deep inter­est in music of all kinds. We grew up with “folk music” in the house. We lived not far from the KFAC broad­cast­ing anten­na and when I got a crys­tal radio the only sta­tion I could pick up was that one. At the time the sta­tion played only clas­si­cal music. I would go to sleep with the ear­phones on, or hang­ing direct­ly above, my pil­low lis­ten­ing to the open­ing strains of Tchaikovsky’s piano con­cer­to No.1 in B‑flat minor, Op. 23 which was the theme music of “The Gas Com­pa­ny Evening Con­cert”. I cred­it this with my inter­est in West­ern Clas­si­cal Art music.

Here I’ll share thoughts about music and some of the music that has been impor­tant in my life.


My par­ents told me often that they gave me a recorder when I was two years old and they were amazed that I was able to make melodies on it.

I’m amazed too… and, I don’t believe the story.

In any case, the recorder became “my voice” for much of my youth. And music became one of my pri­ma­ry modes of expression.


When I was in high school I learned about Arnold Schoen­berg and his Twelve-tone tech­nique of com­pos­ing. I went home and, cre­at­ed a few tone rows of my own and began composing.

I have had a cou­ple of my own com­po­si­tions performed:

I have had a com­po­si­tion published:

  • שרק …for solo alto recorder

My broth­er and I had a radio pro­gram on KPFK in Los Ange­les (which is described (slight­ly) in the “Decem­ber 1968” link above).

our family’s music

When Avi­gail was born I asked my par­ents to make a record­ing of the lul­la­bies they had sung to us. Final­ly, on July 4th, 1987, our moth­er record­ed a tape. When she was about 90 years old Noam dig­i­tized the tape and I burnt it onto a CD.