I collect (American) Judaic lapel buttons.
I have over 3,500 unique items. Each one represents a different moment in American Jewish life and offers a way to learn about the Jewish experience.
instant history
Jews have produced and distributed lapel buttons (or pins) since the beginning of the 20th century. Some of these were produced to commemorate celebrations, others to make a point at demonstrations. Some were produced for commercial gain, and others for a political campaign. Their purposes are legion and diverse. Some are humorous, some serious. Each one tells of a moment in the recent Jewish experience.
In the Spring of 1979, Present Tense magazine (published by the American Jewish Congress until the early 1990s) printed a brief description of my collection [Vol 6 #3 pp. 30–31, it was actually the cover story]. At the time, the collection numbered only a few hundred items.
your lapel buttons
Many people have lapel buttons. They may be attached to a favorite hat or jacket you no longer wear, or poked into a cork-board on your wall. If you have any laying around that you do not feel emotionally attached to, please let me know. I am preserving these for the Jewish people. At some point they will all go to an appropriate museum.
things are not always as they seem
Sometimes I find a button that looks like it should belong in my collection. To be on the “safe side” I’ll buy it… only to learn later that…
Image on century-old lapel button is priest, not rabbi
[The Catholic Messenger had moved the page, but I was able to find it in their archive and reconnect the link on 2020.08.24.]

other buttons shared
women fighters and sho’a nightmares
counting the omer to climb over the rainbow from slavery to royalty at Sinai
learning the cheers
on being a bridge, a “compromise selection” in a “gorgeous mosaic”
jewish texts on fair voting and just elections
rejoice in your festivals — a sukkot meditation
how many different ways can you say the al chet (על חטא)?
Pass the Anti-Lynching Bill!
breathing and the א of revelation
Plagues Suck (or: Passover in a time of plague)
Queen Esther Helped Me Beat the Draft
To bigotry no sanction
A Growing Haggadah (2019)
Did you go to the Purim Concert?
Be Happy, It’s Adar! (again)
Fake News vs. Truth a case of Goliath vs. David
Jews and Campaign Buttons: A Time-Honored Tradition
let’s experiment
#blogelul — hear
#blogelul — believe
#blogelul — be
#blogelul — do
#blogelul — know
#blogelul — bless
#blogelul — act
face to face
jewish environmentalism and tu b’sh’vat
#blogelul : faith
#blogelul : trust#blogelul : counting
#blogelul : inventory
#blogelul : return
promise of dawn
can an aipac supporter explain this one?
time for pruning
6 on a scale of 1 to 10?
what’s the difference between 48 and 11?
a cold peace
now is the time for change
what would dad think?
…the real thing?
love humanity, & bring them close 2 #Torah
beyond the straits and narrow
remembering pearls of music
the new year; traveling for chocolate…
let us make light
It’s very clear
pirke imahot .01
אלול comes every year
Hiroshima 広島市 Day Again (may we have many)
i love my gay rabbis
which jews…?
the electronic leaflet
מזל טוב
be תורה
the boy and I
giving and taking
following orders
let my people go (2)
do candles have feelings?
how much is any life worth?
esther’s song
steve’s song
Swann Song
Shake a Biblical Bouquet
The People of the…
Elul Homework 2 (I’ve done that too!)
How did the על חטא (al ḥet) begin?
Elul Homework 1
Unifying my life as I trim my garden
I am my ♥’s and my ♥ is mine אלול
for multiple transgressions of…
Hiroshima 広島市 Day ☮
Help Save Raoul Wallenberg; Savior of 100,000 Jews
Rabbis for Human Rights
Anne Frank
I. L. Peretz
Theodor Herzl
Yom haShoa 5769
Let My People Go
Be Happy, It’s Adar
images of lapel buttons found around the Web
- Illustrating an article in New Scientist (07 July 2009)
Winning the ultimate battle: How humans could end warCan humans ever live in eternal peace? (Image: Rex Features)
- Illustrating an article in The New York Times (14 August 2009)
Moveie Review — Earth Days Planetary ReflectionsStewart Brand, founder of the Whole Earth Catalog, in the documentary “Earth Days”.
- Illustrating an article in the The New York Times (27 August, 2011)
Ugly? You May Have a Case