Sunday, July 25, 1999 Lunch in the Galil

ISRAEL TOUR July 19 - August 2, 1999

Temple Adat Shalom Congregational tour hosted by Rabbi Deborah R. Prinz and Rabbi Mark Hurvitz and guided by Walter Zanger

Visit Zefat the city of mystics; Malkiyya along the border with Lebanon; kayak down the Jordan river; explore the Golan Heights in jeeps to learn about the history of the wars with the Syrians. Overnight in Kibbutz Nof Ginnosar.


Danny Wilson reported on the day

Then we went to lunch at a stop. There were about 30 soldiers there waiting for a bus or something.
Lee Fowler made some friends.
We made a quick stop at the Naot sandal factory where many of us got new sandals and some of us sat and rested

Then we drove to the Jordan river where we all got kayaks and flowed down the river. It was really windy [not wind but curve] and lots of people were hitting the sides of the Jordan.

Back to Israel Tour Yesterday Rabbi Debbie searched for mines Jeeps to the Golan Tomorrow


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