Aside from his physical gifts of the many songs he wrote and his “Hurvitz’s Humanist Haggadah”, he left Mom with enough funds to continue her life in a manner much more comfortable than she ever imagined she would want to live.
Dad was not an easy man.
The FBI had a dossier on him that, even when edited consists of about a ream of paper. Most of this derived (we think) from his work as a union organizer in the 1930s.
Dad created constantly… he wrote to us (his children) every week: one 8.5x11 inch sheet of paper with minimal margins (the smallest the typewriter would allow). These letters told of his life and what he had hoped to accomplish, they evaluated the world situation and his own personal involvements in the world. This correspondence and more is now held at the American Jewish Archives in Cincinnati, OH (Jay has an additional set).
After his heart attack he took up painting as “therapy”
Much later he devleoped a new form of sculpture: “Soapings”
More, some other time.