Friday, July 23, 1999 The City of Zippori and its Mosaics

ISRAEL TOUR July 19 - August 2, 1999

Temple Adat Shalom Congregational tour hosted by Rabbi Deborah R. Prinz and Rabbi Mark Hurvitz and guided by Walter Zanger

Rosh HaNikra (grottoes and Kibbutz); Zippori (Mona Lisa of the Galilee); Safed. Overnight in Kibbutz Nof Ginnosar.


We saw the exquisite mosaics of Zippori and learned about its significance in the late Roman and early Byzantine period (i.e. early Rabbinic).

Carol Trilling paused for a picture on Zippori.

A small group poses for another photographer.

Mark even has his picture taken!

Jeff Friedenberg, Avigail and Karalee pause for a fun picture

We perform the ritual water bottle filling.

We even briefly explore yet another water system.

But, the real reason we came was to see "The Mona Lisa of Zippori" and the mosiacs that surround her.

Here's a better photograph at a different (the more official) Web Site.

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