Friday, July 23, 1999 The Grottoes of Rosh HaNikra

ISRAEL TOUR July 19 - August 2, 1999

Temple Adat Shalom Congregational tour hosted by Rabbi Deborah R. Prinz and Rabbi Mark Hurvitz and guided by Walter Zanger

Rosh HaNikra (grottoes and Kibbutz); Zippori (Mona Lisa of the Galilee); Safed. Overnight in Kibbutz Nof Ginnosar.


We took a cable car from the top of the hillside by the United Nations monitored Israel Lebanon border down to the grottos.

A UN vehicle drove by shortly after we arrived.

Brian Wilson climbs the chalk wall.

A glimpse along the water line of the cliff.

Water pours back and forth over the sandstone base of the chalk cliff.

When we arrive back up at the top a group of Russian musicians are performing to the pleasure of Arab visitors.

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